Friday, September 10, 2010

slackers? not so much.

yeah. a long and quick, busy, full, hot and eventful 3 months have passed and no posting. fear not friends, this does not mean that we have not been busy composting. just the opposite in fact. while we have juggled our lives, our families and friends, our jobs and our fun, grasshopper hill compost has been a major part of our lives. it has been dirty and fun and at times tedious, but mostly just right. we have slowly and surely acclimated ourselves to the process of our compost project. and we just got some press! my awesome friend amy anderson came out to the island and visited our compost spot, did the rounds as we went to the island businesses to pick up their food wastes and then she wrote a story! here is the link. thank you amy.

we are moving from the first of our 3 bin system to our second bin this weekend. that is big (smelly) stuff, let me tell you. we will also be layering in all the stuff left over from my friend erin's garlic party... a bunch of us trimming over 2300 heads of garlic. real serious awesome fun... good music and wine and friends and a task. big stuff going on around the compost bin.

until next time (and not 3 months from now)

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